How to use Keyframes on Alight Motion?
Using keyframes in Alight Motion is a powerful way to animate various properties of your objects (such as position, scale, rotation, and opacity) over time. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use keyframes effectively:
1. Open Alight Motion and Create or Open a Project
To start using keyframes, you first need to open the Alight Motion app on your device. You can either create a new project by selecting a new composition or open an existing project by tapping on the project you’d like to work with. Once your project is open, you can begin selecting elements within your composition to animate.
2. Select the Object You Want to Animate
In Alight Motion, you can animate various objects, including text, images, videos, and shapes. To begin, select the specific object or layer you wish to animate. This can be done by tapping on the object in the timeline or the layers panel. The object will then be highlighted, and you can begin applying animations to its properties.
3. Enable Keyframe Animation for a Property
After selecting your object, you will see a range of properties you can animate on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. These properties include Position, Scale, Rotation, Opacity, and more. To animate one of these properties, tap on it. This will bring up a set of controls for that property.
Next, you’ll need to activate keyframe animation. Keyframes are markers in the timeline where a change in the property will occur. To start, move the timeline indicator (the line that shows the current point in the timeline) to the location where you want your animation to begin. Tap on the small diamond-shaped keyframe icon next to the property you are working with. This adds a keyframe at the current point in time with the current value of the property.
4. Add Keyframes and Adjust the Property
Once you’ve added your first keyframe, move the timeline indicator to another point in the timeline where you want the property to change. This could be later in the animation or earlier, depending on your desired result. Now, adjust the property of the object. For example, if you’re animating position, drag the object to a new location on the screen. If you’re working with scale, resize the object.
Each time you adjust the property, a new keyframe will automatically be created at the current point in the timeline. This creates a smooth transition between keyframes, with the animation gradually moving from one value to the next. You can continue to add keyframes and adjust the property to create complex animations.
5. Preview the Animation
After adding your keyframes, you can preview your animation to see how it plays out. Simply tap the play button at the top of the screen, and Alight Motion will run through your keyframes, showing how the object moves or changes over time. You can also adjust the speed and timing of the animation by dragging the keyframes along the timeline to different positions, which will affect how fast or slow the transition occurs.
6. Edit Keyframes
Alight Motion gives you the flexibility to make changes to your keyframes as needed. If you want to adjust the timing of the animation, simply drag the keyframes left or right on the timeline to make the animation occur faster or slower. If you need to modify the value of a keyframe, tap on the keyframe in the timeline and adjust the property again. You can also delete keyframes if you no longer want certain changes to occur. To delete a keyframe, simply select it and tap the trash can icon.
7. Use Easing for Smoother Animation
To make your animations smoother and more natural, Alight Motion offers easing options. Easing allows the speed of the animation to change gradually, rather than maintaining a constant pace. For example, an “Ease In” effect starts the animation slow and speeds up toward the end, while an “Ease Out” effect does the opposite. To apply easing, tap on a keyframe, then select the “Ease” option. From there, you can choose from various easing types, such as linear, ease-in, ease-out, or custom curves, to control the way the animation progresses.
By using these steps, you can create dynamic and professional animations in Alight Motion. Keyframes allow you to have full control over the timing and properties of your animations, enabling you to bring your project to life with smooth transitions and movements.
Keyframes in Alight Motion provide powerful tools for creating smooth, dynamic animations by controlling various properties over time. With careful use, they allow you to craft professional-quality animations with precise timing and effects.