
Present Continuous Tense|Passive Voice

Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Present Continuous Tense or Present Progressive Tense(Passive Voice) is used to represent the passive continuous/progressive actions of the present time. Active Voice Sentences of Present Continuous Tense can be converted to Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) Sentences, just by following the following General Rules.

Rules to Convert Present Continuous Tense(Active Voice) Sentences to Passive Voice Sentences

To convert the Active Voice Sentences of Present Continuous Tense into Passive Voice form, follow the following general rules.

  • First, convert the Objective Pronoun Case(me, us, you, them, him, her, it) of the Active Voice Sentences into Subjective Case(I, we, you, they, he, she, it) to formulate a Passive state of progressive actions.
  • The use of “is/are/am” together with “being” as a helping verb to show the passive action of the present time that is in a progressive/continuous phase.
  • Then, use 3rd Verb to show that the action is being done.
  • Then, use the preposition “by”, to indicate the actual doer of the action.
  • At the end, convert the Subjective Pronoun Case(I, we, you, they, he, she, it) of the Active Voice Sentences into Objective Pronoun Case(me, us, you, them, him, her, it).
  • Then, write the remaining words of the Sentence, if there are any in the Active Voice Sentence of the Present Continuous/Progressive Tense

Helping Verb of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) takes 3 helping verbs with respective singular and plural number nouns and pronouns to indicate the continuous or progressive actions of the present time.

“Is being” As a Helping Verb in the Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

“Is being” is used as a helping verb with Singular Number Nouns and Pronouns in Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) Sentences. Thus, Passive Voice Actions described in the Present Continuous Tense have the following Sentence Structure/Sentence formula.

Singular Number Nouns/Pronouns+ is+ being+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+ Remaining Words

"Is being" as an helping verb in Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)
“Is being” as an helping verb in Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

“Are being” As a Helping Verb in the Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

“Are being” is used as a helping verb with Plural Number Nouns and Pronouns in Passive Voice Sentences of Present Continuous Tense to show the progressive/continuous actions that are in a passive state and happening in the present time. Thus, Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) Sentences with “are being” as helping verbs follow the following Sentence Structure.

Plural Number Nouns/Pronouns+ are+ being+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+ Remaining Words

“Are being” as helping verb in Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)
“Are being” as a helping verb in Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

“Am being” As Helping Verb in Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

“Am being” is used as an helping verb in Passive Voice Sentences of Present Continuous Tense Sentences with only one singular Pronoun “I”. Thus, Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) Sentences with “am being” as helping verb, have the following Sentence Structure/Structural formula.

I+ am+being+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+ Remaining Words

"Am being" as an helping verb in Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)
“Am being” as an helping verb in Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are the Sentence Structure or Structural formula for Assertive, Negative, Interrogative, and Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice).

Assertive Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Assertive Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) takes “is/are/am” together with “being” as helping Verb to show that the action is still going during the present time. And 3rd form of Verb is used to indicate that the action is in passive state, i.e; the action is being done on the object. Thus, Assertive Sentences of Present Continuous Tense have the following Sentence Structure.

He/she/it/I/we/you/they/Singular or Plural Number Nouns+ is/are/am+ being+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+ Remaining Words

Assertive Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)
Assertive Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Examples of Assertive Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are some examples of Assertive Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) Sentences.

  1. I am writing a story.
    • A story is being written by me.
  2. We are singing songs.
    • Songs are being sung by us.
  3. You are assisting me in this project.
    • I am being assisted by you in this project.
  4. They are learning him how to swim.
    • He is being learnt by them how to swim.
  5. He is blaming his friends for losing a good project.
    • His friends are being blamed by him for losing a good project.
  6. She is burning those letters.
    • Those letters are being burnt by her.
  7. It is raining outside.
    • It is rained outside.
  8. He is teaching me how to play the guitar.
    • I am being taught by him how to play the guitar.
  9. The doctor is examining us.
    • We are being examined by the doctor.
  10. Someone is following you.
    • You are being followed by someone.
  11. The coach is training them for the competition.
    • They are being trained by the coach for the competition.
  12. She is texting him everyday.
    • He is being texted by her everyday.
  13. He is showing her the way to the museum.
    • She is being shown by him to the museum.
  14. He is wrapping it.
    • It is being wrapped by him.

Negative Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Negative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) take “not” between “is/are/am” and “being” to indicate the negativity of the passive progressive actions. Thus, Negative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) have the following Sentence Structure.

He/she/it/I/we/you/they/Singular or Plural Number Nouns+ is/are/am+ not+ being+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+ Remaining Words

Negative Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)
Negative Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Examples of Negative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are some examples of Negative Sentences of Present continuous Tense(Passive Voice).

  1. I am not buying tickets.
    • Tickets are not being bought by me.
  2. We are not telling a lie.
    • A lie is not being told by us.
  3. You are not selling this bicycle.
    • This bicycle is not being sold by you.
  4. They are not fining me.
    • I am not being fined by them.
  5. He is not reading the newspaper.
    • The newspaper is not being read by him.
  6. She is not learning this poem by heart.
    • This poem is not being learnt by her by heart.
  7. It is not getting darker earlier these days.
    • It is being get darker earlier these days.
  8. She is not sending me an invitation.
    • I am not being sent an invitation by her.
    • An invitation is not being sent to me by her.
  9. He is not giving us directions to the park.
    • We are not being given directions by him to the park.
    • Directions are not being given to us by him to the park.
  10. The company is not offering you a discount.
    • You are not being offered a discount by the company.
    • A discount is not being offered to you by the company.
  11. The coach is not training them for the tournament.
    • They are not being trained by the coach for the tournament.
  12. She is not telling him a funny story.
    • He is not being told a funny story by her.
    • A funny story is not being told to him by her.
  13. He is not showing her how to solve the puzzle.
    • She is not being shown by him how to solve the puzzle.
  14. You are not moving it.
    • It is not being moved by you.

Interrogative Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) have “is/are/am” as helping verb in the start of sentences to show the interrogative/questionable nature of the continuous action. And “being” comes after the Subjective Pronoun Case, to show that the action is still in progressive state but in passive mode. Thus, Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense (Passive Voice) have the following Sentence Structure.

Is/are/am+ he/she/it/I/we/you/they/Singular or plural Number Nouns+ being+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+ Remaining Words+?

Interrogative Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)
Interrogative Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Examples of Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are some examples of Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice).

  1. Am I sowing those seeds today?
    • Are those seeds being sown by me today?
  2. Are we pulling his shirt?
    • Is his shirt being pulled by us?
  3. Are you proving the case?
    • Is the case being proved by you?
  4. Are they telling a lie?
    • Is a lie being told by them?
  5. Is he eating sweets?
    • Are sweets being eaten by him?
  6. Is she calling the roll?
    • Is the roll being called by her?
  7. Are mosquitoes biting me?
    • Am I being bitten by mosquitoes?
  8. Is she calling me right now?
    • Am I being called by her right now?
  9. Are they waiting for us at the station?
    • Are we being waited for by them at the station?
  10. Is the teacher asking you a question?
    • Are you being asked a question by the teacher?
  11. Is the manager considering them for the task?
    • Are they being considered by the manager for the task?
  12. Is she looking him?
    • Is he being looked by her?
  13. Is the team appointing her for this position?
    • Is she being pointed by the team for this position?
  14. Are we testing it?
    • Is it being tested by us?

Negative-Interrogative Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) takes “is/are/am” at the start of sentences to show the questionable nation of the actions. And “not being” comes after the Object of the Sentences to show the negative continuous nature of the actions. Thus, Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice) have following Sentence Structure.

Is/are/am+ he/she/it/I/we/you/they/Singular or Plural Number Nouns+ not+ being+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+Remaining Words+?

Negative Interrogative Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)
Negative Interrogative Sentence Structure of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Examples of Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are some examples of Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Present Continuous Tense(Passive Voice).

  1. Am I not chasing the dog?
    • Is the dog not being chased by me?
  2. Are we not abusing me?
    • Am I not being abused by us?
  3. Are you not praising them?
    • Are they not being praised by you?
  4. Are they not speaking the truth?
    • Is the truth not being spoken by them?
  5. Is he not polishing his shoes?
    • Are his shoes not being polished by him?
  6. Is she not sewing that shirt?
    • Is that shirt not being sewed that shirt?
  7. Is it not developing into a major issue?
    • Is it not being developed into a major issue?
  8. Is the teacher not giving me extra lessons?
    • Am I not being given extra lessons by the teacher?
  9. Are they not inviting us to join them?
    • Are we not being invited by them to join them?
  10. Is she not texting you everyday?
    • Are you not being texted by her everyday?
  11. Is the coach not training them for the marathon?
    • Are they not being trained by the coach for the marathon?
  12. Are we not meeting him at the airport?
    • Is he not being met by us at the airport?
  13. Is the police not questioning her about the incident?
    • Is she not being questioned by the police about the incident?
  14. Is he not watching it?
    • Is it not being watched by him?

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