
Adverbs of Frequency|Definition, Use, Examples

Adverbs of Frequency can be defined as a word or a group of words that are used to modify a verb or an action to tell about how many times, the action can be occurred. Following is a list of some of the Adverbs of Frequency.

  1. Always
  2. Constantly
  3. Usually
  4. Regularly
  5. Frequently
  6. Often
  7. Sometimes
  8. Occasionally
  9. Seldom
  10. Rarely
  11. Hardly Ever
  12. Never

“Always” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Always” can be used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “at all times”. It means that “always” is used to tell about the habitual actions that occur at some specific time daily.

Examples of “Always” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Always” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She always drinks coffee in the morning.
  2. He always arrives at work before 8 AM.
  3. The dog always barks when the doorbell rings.
  4. They always go for a walk after dinner.
  5. I always forget to water the plants on the weekend.

“Constantly” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Constantly” is used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “continuously” or “without interruption”. So, any action that occurs without any break, and is practiced continuously over a period of time, can be modified with the Adverb “Constantly”.

Examples of “Constantly” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Constantly” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She is constantly checking her phone for new messages.
  2. The weather in this region is constantly changing.
  3. He constantly interrupts others during meetings.
  4. They are constantly arguing about trivial matters.
  5. The baby constantly demands attention throughout the day.

“Usually” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Usually” can be used as an adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “typically” or “most of the time”.It means that a practice or action that occurs in common, can be expressed with the help of “Usually”.

Examples of “Usually” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Usually” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. I usually take the bus to work, but today I drove.
  2. She usually wakes up early on weekdays.
  3. They usually have dinner together as a family.
  4. The store is usually crowded on weekends.
  5. He usually reads a book before going to bed.

“Regularly” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Regularly” is used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “at consistent intervals”. So, any action that happens after regular intervals can be defined as “Regularly” as an adverb.

Examples of “Regularly” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Regularly” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She regularly attends yoga classes after work.
  2. He regularly checks his email throughout the day.
  3. They regularly meet up with friends on Friday nights.
  4. The team regularly reviews their progress in weekly meetings.
  5. I regularly water the plants to keep them healthy.

“Frequently” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Frequently” is used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “often”. So, any action that has been practiced in common during daily life routine, can be expressed with the help of “frequently” as an Adverb.

Examples of “Frequently” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Frequently” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She frequently visits her grandparents on weekends.
  2. He frequently travels for business meetings.
  3. They frequently go hiking in the nearby mountains.
  4. The computer frequently crashes when running that program.
  5. I frequently find myself thinking about that conversation.

“Often” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Often” is used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “many times” or “frequently”. So, any action that has been practiced frequently, can be modified with the help of “Often” as an Adverb.

Examples of “Often” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Often” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She often reads before going to sleep.
  2. He often forgets where he left his keys.
  3. They often go to the beach during the summer.
  4. I often visit my favorite coffee shop on weekends.
  5. We often discuss our plans for the future.

“Sometimes” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Sometimes” can be used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “occasionally”. So, actions that have been practiced at often times, can be expressed with the help of “Sometimes” as an Adverb.

Examples of “Sometimes” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Sometimes” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She sometimes takes a different route to work to avoid traffic.
  2. He sometimes forgets to set his alarm.
  3. They sometimes go out for dinner instead of cooking at home.
  4. I sometimes listen to music while studying.
  5. We sometimes stay up late watching movies on the weekends.

“Occasionally” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Occasionally” can be used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “from time to time” or “now and then”. So, any action that occurs from time to time can be expressed with the help of “occasionally” as an Adverb.

Examples of “Occasionally” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Occasionally” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She occasionally bakes cookies for her neighbors.
  2. He occasionally takes a day off to relax.
  3. They occasionally travel to the countryside for a weekend getaway.
  4. I occasionally treat myself to a fancy dinner.
  5. We occasionally meet up with old friends from college.

“Seldom” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Seldom” is used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning g of “not often” or “rarely”. So, any action that has occurred quite often can be explained with the help of “Seldom” as an Adverb.

Examples of “Seldom” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Seldom” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She seldom goes to the gym, preferring to exercise at home.
  2. He seldom eats out, as he enjoys cooking his meals.
  3. They seldom argue, as they usually see eye to eye.
  4. I seldom watch television, preferring to read instead.
  5. The old car seldom breaks down, despite its age.

“Rarely” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Rarely” is used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “infrequently” or “hardly ever”. So, any action that is practiced in rare can be expressed with the help of “rarely” as an Adverb.

Examples of “Rarely” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Rarely” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She rarely eats dessert, as she prefers savory foods.
  2. He rarely stays up past midnight, even on weekends.
  3. They rarely visit that part of town because it’s quite far.
  4. I rarely get sick, thanks to a healthy lifestyle.
  5. The weather rarely gets this cold in the summer.

“Hardly Ever” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Hardly ever” can be used as an Adverb of Frequency with the meaning of “almost never”. So, actions that occur seldom, can be expressed with the help of “Hardly ever” as an Adverb.

Examples of “Hardly Ever” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Hardly Ever” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She hardly ever eats fast food, preferring home-cooked meals.
  2. He hardly ever takes vacations due to his demanding job.
  3. They hardly ever see their neighbors since they travel frequently.
  4. I hardly ever drink soda, opting for water instead.
  5. The dog hardly ever barks, making it very quiet at home.

“Never” As An Adverb of Frequency

“Never” can be used as an Adverb of Frequency with “not at any time”. So, actions whom occurrence can not be possible ever can be expressed with the help of “never” as an Adverb.

Examples of “Never” As An Adverb of Frequency

Following are some examples in which “Never” is used as an Adverb of Frequency.

  1. She never drinks coffee because she prefers tea.
  2. He never skips his morning jog, no matter the weather.
  3. They never go to bed without reading a book first.
  4. I never eat meat, as I follow a strict vegetarian diet.
  5. The restaurant never serves breakfast, only lunch and dinner.

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