
Future Indefinite Tense|Passive Voice

Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice) indicates the passive habitual actions of the coming time. Active Voice Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense or Simple Future Tense can be converted to Passive Voice Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense by following the following General Rules.

Rules to Convert Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice) Sentences to Passive Voice Sentences

Some rules must be followed to convert the Active Voice Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense to Passive Voice Sentences.

  • Firstly, convert the Objective Case(me, us, you, them, him, her, it) of the Active Voice Sentences into Subjective Case(I, we, you, they, he, she, it) to form Passive Voice Sentences.
  • Then, use “will be/shall be” as helping verbs to show that actions will have happened in the future.
  • Then, use 3rd Verb to indicate the passive nature of the actions.
  • Then, use the preposition “by”, to show the actual doer of the actions.
  • After that, convert the Subjective Case(I, we, you, they, he, she, it) of the Active Voice Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense to the Objective Case(me, us, you, them, him, her, it) to form Passive Voice Sentences.
  • At the end, write the remaining words, if there are any in the Active Voice Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense.

Helping Verbs of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are 2 main helping verbs that can be used with Passive Voice Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense.

“Will be” As Helping Verb in Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

“Will be” is used as a helping verb in Passive Voice Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense with all Singular and Plural Number Nouns and Pronouns(You, they, he, she, it), to express the passive habitual actions of the future time. Thus, Passive Voice Sentences with “will be” as a helping verb, has the following Sentence Structural Formula.

He/she/it/you/they/Singular or Plural Nouns+ will+ be+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+Remaining Words

"Will be" as an Helping Verb in Future indefinite Tense (Passive Voice)
“Will be” as a Helping Verb in Future Indefinite Tense (Passive Voice)

“Shall be” As Helping Verb in Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

“Shall be” is used as a helping verb in Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice) Sentences with only 1st Person Personal Pronouns “I, we”, to express the passive habitual actions of the future time. Thus, Passive Sentences with “will be” as a helping verb, has the following Sentence Structural formula.

I/We+ shall+ be+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+ Remaining Words

"Shall be" as an helping verb in Future indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)
“Shall be” as a helping verb in Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are Sentence Structural formulas for Assertive, Negative, Interrogative, and Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice).

Assertive Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Assertive Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice), uses “will be/shall be” as helping verbs to express the habitual passive actions of the future time. The Passive Assertive Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense has the following Sentence Structural formula.

He/she/it/I/we/you/they/Singular or Plural Nouns+ will/shall+ be+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+ Remaining Words

Assertive Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)
Assertive Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Examples of Assertive Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are some examples of Assertive Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice).

  1. I shall help them.
    • They will be helped by me.
  2. We shall type this letter.
    • This letter will be typed by us.
  3. You will cancel the paper.
    • The paper will be canceled by you.
  4. They will laugh at us.
    • We shall be laughed at by them.
  5. He will take tea.
    • Tea will be taken by him.
  6. She will follow me.
    • I shall be followed by her.
  7. The book will explain the process.
    • The process will be explained in the book.
  8. She will call me tomorrow.
    • I shall be called by her tomorrow.
  9. They will invite us to the party.
    • We shall be invited by them to the party.
  10. He will help you with your homework.
    • You will be helped by him with your homework.
  11. You will see them at the concert.
    • They will be seen by you at the concert.
  12. The company will email him the details.
    • He will be emailed the details by the company.
    • The details will be emailed by the company.
  13. She will meet her at the cafe.
    • She will be met by her at the cafe.
  14. The machine will complete the task.
    • The task will be completed by the machine.

Negative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Negative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice) takes “not”, between helping verbs “will/shall” and “be”, to indicate the negative nature of passive habitual actions of the future time. Thus, Negative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice) have the following Sentence Structural formula.

He/she/it/I/we/you/they/Singular or Plural Nouns+ will/shall+ not+ be+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+ Remaining Words

Negative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)
Negative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Examples of Negative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are some examples of Negative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice).

  1. I shall not begin my work.
    • My work will not be begun by me.
  2. We shall not transfer him to another city.
    • He will not be transferred by us to another city.
  3. You will not cover your head.
    • Your head will not be covered by you.
  4. They will not attend that meeting.
    • That meeting will not be attended by them.
  5. He will not cross the river by means of boats.
    • The river will not be crossed by him by the means of boats.
  6. She will not wind the clock tomorrow.
    • The clock will not be wound by her tomorrow.
  7. The dog will not bark at them.
    • They will not be barked at by the dog.
  8. He will not send me the documents.
    • I shall not be sent the documents by him.
    • The documents will not be sent to me by him.
  9. They will not hire us for this project.
    • We will not be hired by them for this project.
  10. They will not find you at the library.
    • You will not be found by them at the library.
  11. The teacher will give them an assignment.
    • They will not be given an assignment by the teacher.
    • An assignment will not be given to them by the teacher.
  12. The robbers will not loot him.
    • He will not be looted by the robbers.
  13. I shall not tell her the news.
    • She will not be told the news by me.
    • The news will not be told to her by me.
  14. The computer will not generate the report.
    • The report will not be generated by the computer.

Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice) take “will/shall” as helping verbs at the start of Sentences to show the Interrogative/questionable nature of the habitual action that will happen during the future time. Thus, Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)
Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Examples of Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are some examples of Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice).

  1. Shall I stop the train over there?
    • Will the train be stopped by me over there?
  2. Shall we waste their time?
    • Will their time be wasted by us?
  3. Will you inform them about their result?
    • Will they be informed about the result by you?
  4. Will they lock the door this time?
    • Will the door be locked by them this time?
  5. Will he learn this poem by heart?
    • Will this poem be learned by him by heart?
  6. Will she report against him to the police?
    • Will he be reported by her to the police?
  7. Will the movie entertain the audience?
    • Will the audience be entertained by the movie?
  8. Will she remind me about the meeting?
    • Shall I be reminded by her about the meeting?
  9. Will they guide us through the process?
    • Shall we be guided by them through the process?
  10. Will he teach you how to swim?
    • Will you be taught by him how to swim?
  11. Will the doctor see them at 3 PM?
    • Will they be seen by the doctor at 3 PM?
  12. Will the manager review him next week?
    • Will he be reviewed by the manager next week?
  13. Shall we lend her our book?
    • Will she be lent by us our book?
    • Will our book be lent to her by us?
  14. Will the sun dry the clothes?
    • Will the clothes dried by the sun?

Negative-Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice) takes “will/shall” as helping verbs at the start of Sentences, to show the interrogative/questionable nature of the passive habitual actions of the future time. And “not be” comes after the Object of the Sentences to show the negative nature of the passive habitual actions of the future time. Thus, Negative-Interrogative Sentences of the Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice) have the following Sentence Structural formula.

Will/shall+ he/she/it/I/we/you/they/Singular or Plural Nouns+ be+ 3rd Verb+ by+ Subject+Remaining Words+?

Negative Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)
Negative Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Examples of Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice)

Following are some examples of Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense(Passive Voice).

  1. Shall I not punish my maid?
    • Will my maid not be punished by me?
  2. Shall we not guide them?
    • Will they not be guided by us?
  3. Will you not milk the cow?
    • Will the cow not be milked by you?
  4. Will they not attend his marriage?
    • Will his marriage not be attended by them?
  5. Will he not marry her?
    • Will she not be married to him?
  6. Will she not occupy this room?
    • Will this room not be occupied by her?
  7. Will the wind not blow the leaves away?
    • Will the leaves not blown away by the wind?
  8. Will she not visit me during the holidays?
    • Shall I not be visited by her during the holidays?
  9. Will they not surprise us with a gift?
    • Shall we not be surprised by them with a gift?
  10. Will he not drive you to the airport?
    • Will you not be driven to the airport by him?
  11. Shall I not inform them about the changes?
    • Will they not be informed by me about the changes?
  12. Shall we not accompany her to the event?
    • Will she not be accompanied by us to the event?
  13. Shall I not remind him to bring his documents?
    • Will he not be reminded by me to bring his documents?
  14. Will the refrigerator not keep the food fresh?
    • Will the food not be kept fresh by the refrigerator?

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