
Future Indefinite Tense| Use, Rules, Formula, Examples

Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)

Future Indefinite Tense or Simple Future Tense can be explained as that type of future tense in which the Verb is used to indicate the habitual actions of the future time. It means that any action that has been practised habitually or a part of daily routine in future can be explained in the Future Indefinite Tense.

Rules to form Future Indefinite Tense Sentences

Some rules must be followed to form Future Indefinite Tense Sentences.

  • First, write the Subject of the future time habitual action.
  • Then, write the helping verb “will/shall”, according to the Singular & Plural Number of Nouns and Pronouns.
  • Then, write the 1st Verb.
  • Then, write the Object on which the action is performed.
  • Then, write the remaining words if there are any.

Helping Verbs of Future Indefinite Tense

The following 2 helping verbs are used as helping verbs in Future Indefinite Tense Sentences to indicate the habitual future time actions.

“Will” As Helping Verb in Future Indefinite Tense

“Will” is used as a helping verb with all Singular & Plural Number Nouns and Pronouns(You, They, He, She, It), except with 1st Person Personal Pronouns(I, We). Thus, Future Indefinite Tense Sentences with “will” as a helping verb has the following Sentence Structural formula.

You/They/He/She/It/Singular & Plural Number Nouns+will+1st Verb+Object+Remaining Words

"Will" As Helping Verb in Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)
“Will” As Helping Verb in Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)

“Shall” As Helping Verb in Future Indefinite Tense

“Shall” is used as a helping verb in Future Indefinite Tense Sentences only with 1st Person Personal Pronouns “I/We”, to indicate the future habitual actions. Thus, Future Indefinite Tense Sentences with “shall” as a helping verb, have the following Sentence Structural formula.

I/We+Shall+Shall+1st Verb+Object+Remaining Words

"Shall" As Helping Verb in Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)
“Shall” As Helping Verb in Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)

Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense

Assertive, Negative, Interrogative, and Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense have the following Sentence Structural formulas.

Assertive Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense

Assertive Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense take “will/shall” as a helping verb with respective Singular & Plural Number Nouns and Pronouns, to indicate the habitual future time actions. Thus, Assertive Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense have the following Sentence Structural formula.

I/We/You/They/He/She/It/Singular & Plural Number Nouns+Shall+1st Verb+Object+Remaining Words

Assertive Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)
Assertive Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)

Examples of Assertive Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense

Following are some examples of Assertive Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense.

  1. I shall complete the project by tomorrow.
  2. We shall visit the museum next week.
  3. You will start your new job on Monday.
  4. They will attend the conference next month.
  5. He will call you later tonight.
  6. She will bake a cake for the party.
  7. The train will arrive at 6 PM.
  8. They will launch the new product soon.
  9. We will celebrate your success together.
  10. The company will expand its operations next year.

Negative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense

Negative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense take “not” with helping verbs “will/shall”, to indicate the negative nature of future habitual actions. Thus, Negative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense have the following Sentence Structural formula.

I/We/You/They/He/She/It/Singular & Plural Number Nouns+Shall+not+1st Verb+Object+Remaining Words

Negative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)
Negative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)

Examples of Negative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense

Following are some examples of Negative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense.

  1. I shall not travel to Japan next year.
  2. We shall not start her new job on Monday.
  3. You will not organize a meeting tomorrow.
  4. They will not buy a new car soon.
  5. He will not visit his grandparents next weekend.
  6. She will not receive the package by Friday.
  7. The team will not play in the finals.
  8. She will not graduate from college next spring.
  9. They will not move to a new house next month.
  10. The company will not launch a new product next year.

Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense

Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense takes “will/shall” as a helping verb at the start of Sentences, to indicate the interrogative nature of future habitual actions. Thus, Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense have the following Sentence Structural formula.

Will/shall+I/We/You/They/He/She/It/Singular & Plural Number Nouns+1st Verb+Object+Remaining Words+?

Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)
Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)

Examples of Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense

Following are some examples of Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense.

  1. Shall I call you tomorrow?
  2. Shall we attend the wedding next Saturday?
  3. Will you arrive in New York tonight?
  4. Will they study harder for the next exam?
  5. Will he plan a surprise party for her birthday?
  6. Will she finish the report by the end of the day?
  7. Will the weather be sunny tomorrow?
  8. Will they announce the result next week?
  9. Will he fix the car this weekend?
  10. Will we go for a hike next Sunday?

Negative-Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense

Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Future IndefiniTe tense takes “will/shall” at the start of Sentences, and “not” comes after the Subject of the Sentences to indicate the negative nature of interrogative actions. Thus, Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense have the following Sentence Structural formula.

Will/shall+I/We/You/They/He/She/It/Singular & Plural Nouns+not+1st Verb+Object+Remaining Words+?

Negative-Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)
Negative-Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense(Active Voice)

Examples of Negative-Interrogative Sentence Structure of Future Indefinite Tense

Following are some examples of Negative-Interrogative Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense.

  1. Shall I not visit the dentist next Tuesday?
  2. Shall we not help you with your homework?
  3. Will you not start the project next month?
  4. Will they not bring snacks to the party?
  5. Will he not explore the city tomorrow?
  6. Will she not ask for a flight to Paris next week?
  7. Will the store not open at 9 AM?
  8. Will they not join us for dinner tonight?
  9. Will he not play soccer after school?
  10. Will we not watch a movie this evening?

Future Indefinite Tense-Passive Voice

Active Voice Sentences of Future Indefinite Tense or Simple Future Tense can easily be converted into Passive Voice by following the rules mentioned in:

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