How to Move Pivot Point in Alight Motion?
To move the pivot point in Alight Motion, follow these steps.
1. Select the Layer
To begin, open your project in Alight Motion and locate the layer that you want to adjust. This layer could be a photo, video, shape, or text element. Tap on the layer to select it. This step is essential because the pivot point adjustments are made on individual layers, not the entire composition. The selected layer will be highlighted, showing that it’s the active layer to work on.
2. Open Layer Properties
After selecting the layer, you need to access its properties. To do this, tap the “Edit” button (pencil icon) or tap on the “Layer” option from the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. This opens up the settings specific to that layer, where you can control its position, size, rotation, and more. In the layer properties, you’ll find a variety of tools, one of which is the option to manipulate the pivot point.
3. Activate Pivot Mode
In the layer settings, you’ll notice a button or icon labeled “Pivot” (usually represented by a small circle or crosshair). This option controls the point around which the layer will rotate and scale. To start moving the pivot point, tap on the “Pivot” icon. Once activated, a small crosshair or circle will appear at the center of the layer. This indicates the current pivot point, which is set by default at the center of the layer. From here, you can adjust the pivot point to different positions.
4. Move the Pivot
Now that you’ve activated the pivot mode, you can freely move the pivot point. Simply drag the crosshair (the pivot point) around the layer. You can place it anywhere, depending on how you want the layer to behave when it rotates or scales. For example, if you want the layer to rotate around its top-left corner, you can drag the pivot point to that corner. The position of the pivot point will directly affect how the layer rotates (its center of rotation) and scales (its anchor for resizing). Moving the pivot point is especially useful when working with animations, as it gives you more control over how the object behaves in motion.
5. Exit Pivot Mode
Once you’re satisfied with the new position of the pivot point, you can exit the pivot mode. To do this, tap anywhere outside the layer properties or simply tap on the canvas area to return to the main interface. Your changes will be saved automatically. The pivot point will now function according to the position you’ve set, affecting any future animations, rotations, or scaling applied to that layer.
By adjusting the pivot point, you gain more precise control over how elements animate and interact with each other in your Alight Motion project, especially when it comes to rotations or other transformations.